About Me

IckeMy name is Sebastian aka Dr. Gonzo, i’m a passionate gearhead and scientist. My interest ranging from atomic structures to large scale engineering, from theoretical chemistry to experimental physics, from micro electronic to multi-layered mechanics, from …  rrr

Hey, I mean in the end its all about understanding nature and technology and to bring them to heel. This is the motivation that really push me to the next level. I started as toddler to disassemble everything around me, just to see whats inside. Over the years, I start to understand how things work together and how they could be manipulated. But not until I had finished my studies, I began to understand how things work even at the atomic level. Now I’m a professional researcher at the Federal Institute of Material Research in Berlin and I#m getting money for my natural interest.

My spare time is really rare, but i spend that time to build custom bikes, develop nice electronic gadgets, building intelligent furniture, inventing machines that make the gearhead’s life more easy and still disassemble everything around me. But finally, everything is just like Cars Sagan once said :

We are star stuff which has taken its destiny into its own hands. ― Carl Sagan, Cosmos